Richmond Good Neighbours has been providing support to residents of Richmond for over thirty years. Richmond Good Neighbours is a registered charity which was established to "provide services to the elderly, the disabled, the housebound and others living in the heart of Richmond".
We carry out over 3500 tasks a year for a client base of around 125 local residents. We are very grateful for financial support from Richmond Parish Lands Charity and and we raise additional funds at various events throughout the year such as the Richmond May Fair. Donations are always a very welcome source of income, please look at our Fundraising page for more details of how you can support us.
Our help may be needed when statutory services, friends or family are unable to offer assistance and includes, but is not limited to:
- Transport
- Shopping
- Visiting
We help residents in TW9 /TW10 with telephone befriending and face to face befriending, shopping, collection of prescriptions and subject to the availability of volunteer drivers, we are able to help to transport RGN clients to GP surgeries and hospitals for medical appointments.
Office hours are from 9am -1pm Monday to Friday. Please leave a message outside these hours on 020-3538-4060 or email
We have a committee of trustees and two part time members of staff, our Director, Anne Speak, and our Administrative Assistant Fay Davidson.
Richmond Good Neighbours is one of eight care groups in LBRUT with clearly defined areas where we operate. Please check the map of the Area Served to see whether you are in our catchment area.